Freedom to move
A good life is one in which you can move the way you want to. Sometimes you experience (physical) problems that prevent you from living that kind of life. Here, osteopathy can help: it directly effects physical structures and will – literally – touch you in different ways. Check out how osteopathy might work for you. We offer a dimension not found anywhere else!
What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a manual diagnostic and therapeutic approach, aimed at addressing the body’s self-healing ability.
Osteopathy looks at people as a complex unit of systems, which are in balance when healthy. We consider a healthy body as being capable of fixing any imbalance in its system. Different factors however can prevent the system from finding its way back to a (new) balance. Osteopathy can help restore this balance, using tissue mobility as a starting point.
Hands as instruments
Osteopaths literally have a hands-on approach: their hands are the instruments with which they both diagnose and treat problems. Treatments are usually gentle in nature. An osteopath will focus on mobility within the kinetic anatomy, the internal organs and their membranes, the mobility of the craniosacral system (the entire system between the bones of the skull and the sacrum) and the different fluid systems that play a part therein.
In a healthy person, all parts of the body will have a certain amount of mobility. Whenever an imbalance occurs, this mobility can decrease. An osteopath can detect this imbalance and determine the source or cause of the reduced mobility. Sometimes this can, surprisingly, lead to being treated in a totally different part of your body from where you’ve experienced pain or discomfort.